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PDF File Embed

इसके द्वारा
Embed & display PDFs or other files on your site
मुफ्त प्लान उपलब्ध है

PDF File Embed overview

Flexible View Options: Use the Google Viewer or the MS Office Viewer, depending on the file type you’d like to display
Multiple File Type Options: Embed AI, PDF, GIF, TXT, HTML, CSS, DOC, DOCX, JPG, PNG, XLS, PPT, EPS, PS, and BMP files
Enable Social Sharing: Allow visitors to share files online by adding social sharing buttons
24/7 Support. Live chat available
Embedding PDFs, catalogs, e-books, presentations, menus, instructions, or other files allows visitors to find the information they need easily. It’s a more desirable experience because they are able to view these files without leaving your page or downloading an attachment. The longer a site visitor is engaged, the more sales, signups, and overall results. This powerful plugin allows you to customize the file settings to match your website design, switch between different screen modes, and easily zoom in or out. The files are also downloadable and printable directly from the page. Finally, security is always a top concern. Our 'Read Only' feature prevents website visitors from copy-pasting content from your website. You can trust our app to keep your content safe and secure. Easily showcase your supporting documents and product catalogs on your site to entice visitors to take action.
यह ऐप दुनिया भर में उपलब्ध है।
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3.1 Average Rating

14 reviews
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Kathrensitportfolio/ Oct 26, 2024
Doesn't Work CorrectlyI can only get it to work in preview mode, but in website it doesn't work
team POWR
Hello there, thanks for your feedback. For any questions or concerns however, please send us an email at support@powr.io as our support team are unable to provide assistance in the review section unfortunately. We also...
आपकी फ़ीडबैक के लिए धन्यवाद!

Savage-d/ Sep 4, 2024
team POWR
Hi there, so sorry for your bad experience. Could you please write to us at support@powr.io with details on what was the issue and we will be happy to sort this problem out for you.
आपकी फ़ीडबैक के लिए धन्यवाद!

Dan31307/ Aug 19, 2024
Could not figure out how to use it at firstThe help files weren't helpful on how to generate the code needed to embed in WiX. Tech support responded with instructions on how to do it.
आपकी फ़ीडबैक के लिए धन्यवाद!

Laburbanklocksmith/ May 4, 2024
Can't make it workI tried to upload a PDF several times, but it seems like there are many technical issues going on.
team POWR
Hi there, Our apologies for any inconvenience caused while using the app. However could you please send us an email at support@powr.io so we can check it out for you? Our support team would be...
आपकी फ़ीडबैक के लिए धन्यवाद!

Katherineradzik1/ Apr 26, 2024
Great!Customer support was extremely helpful!
आपकी फ़ीडबैक के लिए धन्यवाद!

Pricing & plans

Free plan


PDFs, PPTs, XLS, Word docs, and more
5 MB download per file
Pre-built templates available
Undo/redo feature, 24/7 email support
Starter plan


All of Free + remove POWR logo
20 MB download per file + file sharing
Download and print files
Live chat with POWR team - no AI
Pro plan


All of Starter+
100MB download per file
Custom CSS & JS
Live chat with POWR team - no AI
Business plan


All of Pro+
Unlimited file uploads
1GB download per file
Live chat with POWR team - no AI
* Price is in USD.

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