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Easy Poll

Gather feedback directly on your website
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From $1.25 / month

Easy Poll overview

Clean design and customizable options
Create 2 or 3-choice polls in minutes
Integrates seamlessly into any site layout, supports real-time voting updates, and displays results instantly
Reuse as much as you like
The Simple Poll Widget is an easy-to-install tool for gathering feedback directly on your website. With a clean design and customizable options, you can create polls in minutes. The widget integrates seamlessly into any site layout, supports real-time voting updates, and displays results instantly. It’s perfect for engaging visitors, gathering insights, and enhancing interactivity without any coding skills required.
This app is available worldwide.
App languages:
App developed byiConic Freelance Web

Rating & Reviews

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Pricing & plans

Unlimited plan


Install and use as much as you like!
* Price is in USD.

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